Music and Message by Sue Polan Title: "Hope" Welcome & Announcements Meditation: Native American Flute Readings Message: The Story of...

I Seem to Be a Verb
It was an exciting and energetic time to be young. We were spurred on by the sad reality that friends were being drafted and being...

What's Behind Door #42?
Sunday Gathering at Koinonia October 14, 2018 “What's Behind Door #42?” Inspired Speaker: Stan McNeese Interviewed by: Ted Koeman...

Journeying from Calvinism to Liberalism
Religions are different roads converging on the same point. What does it matter that we take different roads.... I believe all...

Goodbye – Honoring the Journey
Goodbye – Honoring the Journey Dr. Rick MacArthur January 31, 2016 #KoinoniaGJ

Reflections January 10, 2016 Dr. Rick MacArthur #KoinoniaGJ

A Light That Shines in the Darkness
A Light That Shines in the Darkness December 20, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur #KoinoniaGJ

A Song Still Not Heard
A Song Still Not Heard December 13, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur KoinoniaGJ

No Room in the Inn
No Room in the Inn December 6, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur

Can Thanksgiving Have Barriers?
Can Thanksgiving Have Barriers? November 22, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur #KoinoniaGJ